system administration

Installing PHP APC On RHEL/CentOS

  1. Yum up some packages:

    yum install php-pear php-devel httpd-devel

      2. Install APC using pear (the pear installer is smarter than the pecl installer):
        When the installer asks about APXS, say ‘no’. </p> <div class="wp_syntax">
              <td class="code">
    pear install pecl/apc
    1. Tell PHP to load APC:

      echo > /etc/php.d/apc.ini

        4. Restart Apache: <div class="wp_syntax">
                <td class="code">
      /sbin/service httpd graceful

      JSON on RHEL & PHP 5.1.6

      Stuck with PHP 5.1.6 on RHEL or even CentOS (and a sysadmin who insists on using packages)? Need JSON? I did. The solution is easy:

      yum install php-devel<br /> pecl install json

      The pecl install failed when it hit an 8MB memory limit, and I was clueless about how to fix it until I learned that the pecl installer ignores the php.ini. Turns out the best solution is to use the pear installer (which does follow php.ini settings):

      pear install pecl/json