conspiracy theory

Evil Google

Aaron Swartz‘s Bubble City, Chapter 8:

He sent the report to his superior and wandered off for a bit to dwell on the power he had as a faceless person deep inside an office park in Mountain View to know every detail of another person’s life. He wondered what it would be like if he came across that person on the street, he would know every detail of his life, his household budget, the secrets he confided over IM, even what he looked like naked.

Pravda March 18 Headline: US To Collapse on Feb 5

| I regularly check the <a href="">English language online edition</a> of <a href="">Pravda</a> for laughs and sometimes for their take on US domestic affairs. But today's headline left me scratching my head. <a href="">What calendar</a> are these people using, anyway? The <a href="">headlined story</a> is offered without any context or explanation. As it turns out, author Ian Magnussen <a href="">really did mean</a> <a href="">February 5th 2006</a>, not 2007 or later. Had it appeared two months ago it might have been called speculative fiction, though more likely seen as a crazy conspiracy theory. I just find it a bit scary. But still, why publish it now? » about 100 words