Fox News Just Makes Stuff Up

Most people know I’m not a huge fan of Fox News, at least in part because Fox News is no great fan of mine. Al Franken and Eric Alterman are rather detailed their explanation of just how conservative Fox is (it’s like the tower of Pizza leaning toward Texas; actually, it’s like the tower layed down in Texas). But you’d have to figure that even conservatives would have trouble keeping a straight face while making up lines like this: “‘Didn’t my nails and cuticles look great? What a good debate!’ Kerry said Friday.”

Ernest Miller is bogging about it over at The Importance Of…. More here, too: Is Fox News literally making stuff up out of whole cloth about John Kerry?

So, Fox went farther out on the limb than we expected and even they blanched at it. In the meantime, the rest of us can look at what seems to make Fox’s viewers tick (or, at least, what Fox thinks makes their viewers tick): sexual insecurities, abortion-rhetoric, fear of women, respect for authority/distaste for attacks on Bush, and fear of the Democratic ideals. Yup, I guess that pretty much explains why I’m a liberal.